How To Make Network Marketing Opportunities Turn A Profit Online

Network Marketing Opportunities will thrive on the internet and all networkers need to stop using ‘old hit and miss’ methods of chasing prospects. Networkers have struggled with operating their businesses offline for generations. The internet has brought about new opportunities for all business function and network marketing is not excluded!

Online Network Marketing Versus Old Style Offline

NWM companies still encourage the old and ineffective product promotion methods that they have used for so long. All networkers are aware and although some still embrace it,Guest Posting the reality is they can’t afford to leave it for fear of diminishing their income. The system has got hold of them… even though they know there has to be a better way.

These networkers are still promoting the ‘make-a-list’ and worn-out ‘lead buying’ methods. List-making of family, friends, storekeepers, school-teachers, and basically everyone… is the most objectionable network marketing method ever. Even though it did work in the past… so did concrete mixing with a shovel! The new and more advanced methods of every age have always superceded the old and tired methods.

Lead companies have done well selling poor quality leads for far too long! The person calling a ‘lead’ could be the 3rd or 4th person to call that ‘lead.’ So the lead companies have really been over-using their products. I have found this to be true when I have rung ‘leads’ with network marketing opportunities in the past. Lead companies have dressed-up leads and claimed they have been phone checked etc… but really a ‘lead’ is a person who filled in an online form in exchange for a free download. Having done that their details become saleable by the lead company. Would you consider a person who swaps their details for a freebie… a good ‘lead?’

All this has… one way or another been responsible for the Network marketing opportunities 95% failure rate. Because of the advent of the internet and the ability to look at and operate NWM opportunities online has brought new possibilities to networkers… and in fact made those old methods redundant! This new approach is successful and will reverse the industry failure rate. Networkers will take awhile to come-over… particularily those who have been ‘burnt’ by the old and tired model!

There’s a reason that online networking is so successful and that reason is… you are able to ‘fund’ your marketing and advertising by marketing a variety of income sources. No one would argue with that I’m sure! This same point is covered by Ann Seig in her new free ebook. Ann Seig details how to make money in online network marketing. Click the link at the end of his article to download this generous information ebook.

Your Multi-Income Streams

You want to make money in your website business from many sources of income. Online you don’t lock-in to one product. Your primary network marketing opportunities business remains just that, but using incontext text links in your website content… you direct your site-visitors to affiliate marketing programs, referrals or ebooks. The text you use has to fit the website theme, and that’s how you weave in your income and information web-links. The use of limited banners is OK, but a ‘banner farm’ is ‘old hat’ and no longer popular with internet users.

An example of your website theme would be where you have a nutrition product, say one that helps with arthritis… so you then have a website theme about arthritis and all that having and living with arthritis encompasses.

Non competing helpful programs can be digital programs from the likes of Clickbank and Commission Junction. Top name brand hard goods products are available to use in your website monetization as well. Affiliate Referrals are an excellent income source. Where your website has high natural search traffic an excellent consideration is to take on some affiliate referrals. This is basically having a link on your site to someone else’s website. The referral link will be imbedded with your ID code to make sure the commission comes back to you if a purchase happens.

Selling Ad space is an important income source. Google and other search marketing groups pay you when site-visitors ‘click’ the Ads placed on your website. The more webpages you have and the more site-visitors your site gets will govern the amount of income. You do have some control over what Ads appear on your site. Having other network marketing opportunities competing with yours… on your website should be avoided.

Finding ebooks that are related to your network marketing opportunities website theme would not be a problem and are something that can be very helpful for your site-visitors.

As well as incorporating your income streams you also have to continue to provide website theme information to your website-visitors…

How To Connect With Site-Visitors

Having a subscriber box to encourage interested site-visitors to subscribe to your regular newsletter… so they get further information on your network marketing opportunities is essential to build your website business. Your subscribers are interested and they want more of the same information.

Autoresponders are used to reduce the workload in newsletter editing. They can be programed to send confirmation emails as well as in preparing the newsletter. Usually once a month is good for newsletters, but you can send one at any other time as well. The regular sending of your prepared newsletter can be programed for while you’re away on holidays.

Providing good quality theme information to retain your subscribers as long as you can… is worthwhile. The purpose is to build a level of ‘trust’ with your subscribers while delivering further quality information for your subscribers. Trust has to exist before anyone will join your network marketing opportunities. Buying some of your ebooks, affiliate programs and products will happen if they see value in them, but going into business with you… which is what happens in network marketing… is something else! Establish yourself as an expert in your website theme and ensure your information is quality!